Personal resume

Last name, First name, Patronymic: Yeremeyev Dmitriy Vladimirovich
Birthday: 1975-01-31
Email address: or
Living in: Ukraine
City: Lisichansk
The photo
09/1991 - 05/1995   Lisichansk mining technical school - The prospecting technology of ore deposits
09/1995 - 07/2000   Severodoneck University of Technology - Faculty: computer complexes and systems, sub-faculty: computer engineering
system programmer
Job experience
12/2001 - present   'Severodonetsk Research and Production Association "Impulse"' - Development of computer complexes for atomic power plants
engineer-programmer first category
Software development in DOS environment (C++,Assembler,GUI, DPMI16, data exchange by RS-232,Ethernet), Windows 2k/XP (Visual C++; STL; ActiveX; Win32 API; Multi-threading, MPI-2; MFC, data exchange by Ethernet)

12/2000 - 12/2001   TRC "Accent" - Television Radio Company (Regional TV)
3D design of television clips and technical service of equipment.

Computer knowledge, Software knowledge, Office equipment knowledge: Professional knowledge DOS, Windows, software development, repairing of hardware.

Participation in large projects:

Making of the television clips for Television Radio Company "Accent" (more 20 clips, some clips in air till the present time);

The teapot The advertising

Developing of software within a project of 'Severodonetsk Research and Production Association "Impulse"' on development of a complex "AKNP-I" (Neutron flux control equipment - product's name AKNP-I);

Picture designing for hall of 'Severodonetsk Research and Production Association "Impulse"' (two pictures 4x2 metres);

Impulse NPP Impulse oil

Making the computer video film about complex AKNP-I.

The AKNP-I intro

Personal developments, inventions, publications, patents:

Development of game programs: 'Kapitoshka', ' The smash balls' (Detail on a site;

Computer vision:

        I am working in IT-Company together with my colleagues and we develop a software that can inhale life into a new hardware. I am dealing with research of computer vision in parallel with my main job. The purpose of this research is a search of machine methods of 3-Dimensional perception of the real world. Investigations convinced me that primary source of 3D perception is the object motion. In other words we can see the world in 3-Dimensional first of all owing to perception of the motion. So I resolved to devote particularly attention to the object motion analyzing in my research.

Source video sequence

Color segmentation with classification of input pixels to 64 classes for the boundaries detection.

Development of effective enough method of "Optical flow" algorithm based on tracking contour points of segmented images (visualization: direction - speed --> colour - brightness).

Motion-based segmentation.

The segments tracking of video sequence.

Development of effective method of associative video memory (the object recognition)

    Data mining (used algorithms in my research):
  • k-means algorithm;
  • Kohonen self-organizing map;
  • hierarchical clustering.

Short description of professional experience (summary): Software development in DOS environment (C++,Assembler,GUI, DPMI16, data exchange by RS-232, Ethernet), Windows 2k/XP (Visual C++; STL; MFC; ActiveX; Win32 API; Multi-threading, MPI-2, Intel® OpenCV-1.0, 3D modeling in DirectX, data exchange by Ethernet), 3D design in enviroment 3D Max 5.1, professional knowledge of electronics (analog/digital), repairing of hardware.

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